Saturday, 18 April 2020



Hey Worms, Today we gonna read about six lessons from Go-Giver.
Go-Giver by Bob burg and John David Mann.

All of you heard about this "Anything that you want, start giving"

Example if you want Love start spreading Love, if you want happiness start giving happiness, Well their is also a quote "if you want money start giving money "In many religious places we heard about that "Donation" yeah i don't know about it. but i think that investing money is also same as giving money.

 I don't know about that, Commment your opinion in this blog or on instagram. i know many of you not gonna comment here because you need to first Signup and many people hate to do this because we are Laaaazzzzyy. 

so Let's started, 

here are 6 lessons from go giver.

  6 Lessons from Go-Giver: 


1. You don’t often get what you want…you get what you expect.

The world treats you as you expect to be treated. It’s more important to give more in value than you get in payment.

2. Your true worth is determined by how much you give in value.

Key questions to ask yourself are… how does this serve? And, does what I’m doing add value to others?

3. Enlarge the number of people you serve.

Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. In other words, your compensation is directly proportional to how many lives you touch . There are no limitations to what you can earn because you can always find more people to serve.

4. Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.

When you watch out for what other people need (with a genuine heart), and have faith, you’ll get what you need. Being a giver makes you more attractive and magnetic .

5. You can excel by adding value.

If you want or need money, then add value. YOU are the most valuable gift you have to offer. Be authentic.

6. The secret to success is giving. The secret to giving is making yourself open to receive.

Every giving can happen only because there is a receiving. The cycle is not complete unless you open yourself to receive.

If you want to buy this book clink on this link


Price: 197, Kindle Adition

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Shreemad Bhavat geeta

 Shreemad  Bhagwat Geeta

                      The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian text that became an important work of Hindu tradition in terms of both literature and philosophyThe earliest translations of this work from Sanskrit into English were made around 1795 CE by Sir Charles Wilkins. The name Bhagavad Gita means “the song of the Lord”. It is composed as a poem and it contains many key topics related to the Indian intellectual and spiritual tradition.

श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला |

समाधावचला बुद्धिस्तदा योगमवाप्स्यसि |

When you become distracted by listening to many types of subjects, your intellect will become immovable and stable in its form, then you will attain (Paramarth) Yoga.

Lord Krishna is telling about stop focusing on so many things focus on only one thing that gonna make you successful.

Many peoples trying perform to multitasking but they never gonna succeed even you smartphone is not able to perform multitasking. The Binary codes are running 1010110 in a sequence (here i go something technical). Multitasking sucks your battery. 

Now days 70% of people are not able to concentrate on their work studies.

Thats somethings important for you:

1 tip For you to increase concentration: 


            Some Scientific research found that coloring has same reaction in brain as meditating.

           In meditation we need to focus on our breath which help to increase concentration. Coloring requires good concentration and this type of focusing on one task can help a child develop his or her overall concentration levels.
The Same things happens with adults.

The Last Supper is Leonardo da Vinci's most famous work of religious art. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) was one of the leading artists of the High Renaissance.

Thank you So much for reading.

see you soon with a new post.

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