Tuesday, 12 May 2020

12 Rules for Life

An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B Peterson – digested read

Just a few years ago, I was an unknown professor writing academic books that nobody read. Then, with God’s help, I decided to stop feeling sorry for myself and develop my potential. Pinkos and wishy-washy liberals had cornered the market in cod psychology, so I guessed there must be a huge hunger for a self-help book, backed up with religion, mythology, CAPITAL LETTERS and stating the obvious – one directed at responsible, socially minded conservatives craving some pseudointellectual ideology to prop up their beliefs. And bingo! Here are my 12 Rules for Life.

1 Stand up straight with your shoulders straight

Most lobsters are complete bastards left to their own devices. Most humans are complete bastards left to their own devices. This proves there is a God who wants us to have Order. Order is Masculine and Chaos is Feminine. Therefore to move towards Order, we all need to man up. Happiness is pointless. We are all on this Earth to suffer. So learn to suffer like a man. Not everyone can be as rich and successful as me, but try to be less of a failure than you already are.

2 Treat yourself like someone you are responsible for helping

The story of the Garden of Eden shows that we are all touched with Original Sin But you have a choice. You can either seek Heaven or be dragged down into Hell. Yes, you have a shameful, sinful nature but for God’s sake just make a bit of an effort. Stop waiting for other people to dig you out of your pitiful hole.

3 Befriend people who want the best for you

We are all Being. Just some of us are better Beings. Learn to tell the difference. Some people are beyond help. They are merely exploiting the willingness of good people to help them and, as Dostoyevsky rightly observes, will drag you down to their level. So stick with the winners. If people are determined to screw up, let them. They are nothing to do with the Divine Purpose.

4 Compare yourself to who you were yesterday, not the useless person you are today

Face it, you’re never going to be that smart, so don’t compare yourself to someone who is. Start by getting on your knees to pray. Even if you don’t Believe in God. Atheists are merely people who are blinded to the true way of Being. There, you feel marginally less useless already.

5 Do not let your children do anything that makes you dislike them

Remember that children are born with Original Sin and have a huge capacity for Evil. They are not Innocent Beings. They need Discipline if they are going to grow up to be even vaguely worthwhile humans. And slap them if necessary – don’t listen to what the lefties say.

6 Set your house in order before you criticise the world

Remember the story of Cain and Abel? Well, read it then. Yes, Abel was a schmuck who deserved to die and Cain wasn’t quite as goddamn perfect as he thought he was. He deserved to die, too. We all deserve to die. So stop moaning if someone is richer and better looking than you.

7 Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient

Life is suffering. The Book of Genesis tells us that. There is no easy way round this. So quit looking for short cuts and start reading Nietzsche.

8 Tell the truth. Or at least don’t lie

To be honest, I’m scrabbling around for thingsbut my publishers tell me I need 12. By telling you the Truth about this, I am an Improved Being. Certainly better than you.

9 Assume the person you are listening to knows something you don’t

Just shut up, quit moaning and listen to me. I know things you don’t. So don’t expect me to listen to you. That’s not the way things work. I’m here to make you feel Better about Yourself by telling you things you already know in a way that makes you feel clever.

10 Be precise in your speech

Confront the chaos of Being. Don’t try to beat about the bush. Things are going to be terrible. Oedipus killed his Dad. You may well kill yours. Get over it. Face up to the real horrors of the world.

11 Do not bother children while they are skateboarding

This is the rule that’s the real catnip for right-wingers everywhere. Want to know why the world is falling apart? It’s because liberals are turning boys into girlies with their namby-pamby ways. Let boys do boy things and girls do girl things. Nowhere in the Bible does God say anything about this trans nonsense. There’s nothing wrong with men having all the best jobs and women staying home to look after the kids. So back off, ladies, and give us men a break.

12 Pet a cat when you encounter one in the street

OK. So I really am scraping the barrel now. We’re all going to die. Probably painfully. So just make the best of what you’ve got. If you see a cat, stroke it. You might feel better. Though probably not. And if there are no cats, pet something else. Like a dog.

Saturday, 18 April 2020



Hey Worms, Today we gonna read about six lessons from Go-Giver.
Go-Giver by Bob burg and John David Mann.

All of you heard about this "Anything that you want, start giving"

Example if you want Love start spreading Love, if you want happiness start giving happiness, Well their is also a quote "if you want money start giving money "In many religious places we heard about that "Donation" yeah i don't know about it. but i think that investing money is also same as giving money.

 I don't know about that, Commment your opinion in this blog or on instagram. i know many of you not gonna comment here because you need to first Signup and many people hate to do this because we are Laaaazzzzyy. 

so Let's started, 

here are 6 lessons from go giver.

  6 Lessons from Go-Giver: 


1. You don’t often get what you want…you get what you expect.

The world treats you as you expect to be treated. It’s more important to give more in value than you get in payment.

2. Your true worth is determined by how much you give in value.

Key questions to ask yourself are… how does this serve? And, does what I’m doing add value to others?

3. Enlarge the number of people you serve.

Your income is determined by how many people you serve and how well you serve them. In other words, your compensation is directly proportional to how many lives you touch . There are no limitations to what you can earn because you can always find more people to serve.

4. Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place other people’s interests first.

When you watch out for what other people need (with a genuine heart), and have faith, you’ll get what you need. Being a giver makes you more attractive and magnetic .

5. You can excel by adding value.

If you want or need money, then add value. YOU are the most valuable gift you have to offer. Be authentic.

6. The secret to success is giving. The secret to giving is making yourself open to receive.

Every giving can happen only because there is a receiving. The cycle is not complete unless you open yourself to receive.

If you want to buy this book clink on this link


Price: 197, Kindle Adition

Wednesday, 8 April 2020

Shreemad Bhavat geeta

 Shreemad  Bhagwat Geeta

                      The Bhagavad Gita is an ancient Indian text that became an important work of Hindu tradition in terms of both literature and philosophyThe earliest translations of this work from Sanskrit into English were made around 1795 CE by Sir Charles Wilkins. The name Bhagavad Gita means “the song of the Lord”. It is composed as a poem and it contains many key topics related to the Indian intellectual and spiritual tradition.

श्रुतिविप्रतिपन्ना ते यदा स्थास्यति निश्चला |

समाधावचला बुद्धिस्तदा योगमवाप्स्यसि |

When you become distracted by listening to many types of subjects, your intellect will become immovable and stable in its form, then you will attain (Paramarth) Yoga.

Lord Krishna is telling about stop focusing on so many things focus on only one thing that gonna make you successful.

Many peoples trying perform to multitasking but they never gonna succeed even you smartphone is not able to perform multitasking. The Binary codes are running 1010110 in a sequence (here i go something technical). Multitasking sucks your battery. 

Now days 70% of people are not able to concentrate on their work studies.

Thats somethings important for you:

1 tip For you to increase concentration: 


            Some Scientific research found that coloring has same reaction in brain as meditating.

           In meditation we need to focus on our breath which help to increase concentration. Coloring requires good concentration and this type of focusing on one task can help a child develop his or her overall concentration levels.
The Same things happens with adults.

The Last Supper is Leonardo da Vinci's most famous work of religious art. Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) was one of the leading artists of the High Renaissance.

Thank you So much for reading.

see you soon with a new post.

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Saturday, 28 March 2020

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari

7 Life Lessons From The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari 

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari by Robin Sharma
tells the extraordinary story of Julian Mantle, a lawyer forced to confront the spiritual crisis of his out-of-balance life, and the subsequent wisdom that he gains on a life-changing odyssey that enables him to create a life of passion, purpose and peace.

It was a tale of success from beginning to end. The story opens with the success of a lawyer and ends with the prosperity of a man.
The personality development journey of both characters from the book, Julian Mantle and his best friend John, is one that Robin Sharma wrote, in poetic prose, as a guidebook to life.
Julian Mantle, the seven-figure-making lawyer had everything. But it didn’t make him happy.
So, in search of wisdom and happiness, he sold his mansion and his expensive Ferrari and headed to the Himalayan mountains where he studied the wisdom of the sages.

7 Life Lessons 

Here are 7 life lessons from The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari.

1. Cultivate Your Mind

           Some people believe that making mistakes is like making irreparable dents. It’s hard to let go of negative thoughts, especially criticism.

Ironically, under the grand laws of nature, our mind can only hold one thought at a time. By making negative thoughts your focus, you’ll embody it, or worst, manifest it. This mentality will only hinder your personal growth.

The biggest lesson from the book is how the quality of your life is determined by the quality of your thoughts. Julian Mantle transformed himself from a depressed, obese lawyer into a youthful, optimistic man — all by conquering his mind.

Mastering your mind means seeing setbacks as opportunities. By envisioning your dreams, you give your mind the power to cultivate it and make it a reality.

So occupy your mind with uplifting thoughts. You’ll come to realize, the power of cultivating a rich mentality will help you manifest the energy you’ll need to attain the success you desire.

2. The Purpose Of Life Is A Life Of Purpose

Imagine discovering a map that leads you directly to a treasure chest. That’s how exciting it would be when you discover your life’s purpose. But this idea appears as elusive as the leprechaun at the end of the rainbow.
So here are action steps from the Sages of Sivana to ensure your goal is as attainable as you believe it to be:
  • Create a clear mental picture of your treasure trove or end goal;
  • Give yourself some positive pressure so you don’t slip back into your bad habits and self-doubts;
  • Write a goal-contract with yourself and include a timeline;
  • Build your habit by taking a brave step every day towards achieving it. Remember: Baby steps are still steps;
  • Laugh along the way because a day without laughter or a day without love is a day without life.
These steps might seem simple and obvious, but what makes goals, success and destiny appear so elusive is because the pursuer has yet to arrive at self-knowledge.
Self-knowledge is the DNA of self-enlightenment.
And like the towering lighthouse guiding lost ships to the harbor, you’ll come to see that dedicating your life purposefully is the secret to success and happiness.

3. Do The Things You Fear The Most


The lesson from the monk is that success on the outside begins within. When you identify the things that are holding you back, you should face them. Do the things you fear, because you’re building the foundation of success and leadership within yourself. Leading yourself first gives others the vote of confidence that you’re capable of leading them too.

So act with integrity and be guided by your heart. 

4. Live With Discipline


We’re all the more tempted and distracted today by the noises our devices make and the people we interact with on a daily basis. Here’s an exercise from the book you can apply to your life immediately.

Repeat the mantra below and take a vow of silence for the entire day where you only speak to respond to a direct question:

“I am more than I appear to be.
All the world’s strength and power rest inside me.”

It takes courage to nurture self-discipline because it’s not easy. 
But once you give yourself the power to be more than your environment, you’ll ultimately win and unshackle yourself from a mental prison.

5. Respect Your Time



            How do you savor life to the fullest and not waste a single moment of your time? By reminding yourself that today could very well be your last day.

So it’s high time you stop accepting a life of mediocrity. The only way to experience more is to push yourself to do more. Because only 20% of your time, dedicated to the day-to-day activities, yield lasting results that could influence the quality of your life.

Being efficient with your time also means being ruthless about it.
You have to have the courage to say “no”.

Start small. By showing how much you value your time, others will learn to recognize it and as a consequence, respect you for it.

Because only enlightened people are priority driven.

6. Practice Daily Acts Of Kindness


Cultivating your mind to improve the quality of your life should run in parallel to your next action step of cultivating a new perspective. Specifically, one that revolves around the concept of giving. Giving more to life and to your community is a paradigm-shifting perspective from the “self” mentality of survival of the fittest.

Practicing gratitude and dedicating time to the act of giving, can help you find your purpose in the world.

Expressing gratitude daily plants the seed within yourself that each day is sacred. The richer the relationship you build around you, the more abundance comes your way.

Because in life, your time and energy are the two valuable resources you could offer to anyone.

Remove the idea of the self and focus on the quality of your contribution.

7. Never Sacrifice Happiness For Achievement


Ask yourself, what’s the point of climbing the steps of success if you have missed the first steps of your own kids?
Many high-achievers can turn short-sighted when asked to choose a path in the dilemma.

Sacrifice time spent with loved ones now and give them everything money can buy? Or sacrifice the promise of comfort, in favor of spending time with them now.

So ask yourself again, if you would rather take each step along the way with awe and love or run through your days hoping to expedite your win towards an elusive pot of gold.

At the end of the day, your happiness is a choice you have to make and is a journey you have to take.

The Monk Who Sold His Ferrari Is one of the best book that everybody should Read.

Thankyou For Reading Good Bless You.

Written By Ishank Sachdeva.

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Friday, 27 March 2020

The One Minute Manager

The One Minute Manager

by Ken Blanchard and Spencer Johnson is a remarkable book about management. It is about a young man who is in search of an effective manager and is willing to work for one.

In his search, he meets some ‘autocratic’ managers who are only concerned about the results. Their organizations gained while their people lost. He also meets ‘democratic’ managers who are concerned only about the people. Their people gained while their organizations lost. He was looking for an effective manager who was interested in the people as well as the results so that both the people and the organization gained in his management.
Then the young man comes across a manager who calls himself “the one minute manager” as it took very little time for him to get big results from people. The one minute manager shares the secrets of his success with the young man, which are as follows:

3 Secrets from The One Minute Manager

1. First Secret: One Minute Goal


One minute goal setting is about being aware of what is expected from the beginning. When deciding upon the desired goal and the performance standards, you record it on a single sheet of paper. It’s named that way because each goal should only take a minute to read.

Why One Minute Goals work

        One minute goal setting is an important tool for management because it provides immediate feedback to the worker. This feedback turns into motivation.
If you are playing football and you are not aware of how many points you scored, you would lose interest in the game after a certain point. On the other hand, if you know you need 5 points to win and you have scored 3 points, you will try your best to get the other 2 points.

Unless you are sure of what is it that you need to do, you keep beating around the bush without producing the accurate results.
Say, for example, if I ask you to clean the room. You would not know whether to sweep the room, place everything in order, arrange the books in the shelf or do all the three. On the other hand, if I ask you to sweep the room and arrange the books, you know exactly what you need to do. As a result, both you and me are satisfied with the job.
One minute goals work in a similar manner. Both the employee as well as the employer knows what is expected from the beginning of a task. Writing is important so that you can periodically review your performance against your target and check your progress.
Thus, one minute goals help you to perform better and produce efficient results.

2. Second Secret: One Minute Praising


After the one minute goal setting, the second step in one minute management is to catch people doing something right. This is when the one minute praising are given. One minute praising are so called because it hardly takes a minute for you to tell someone that he or she did a good job.

There is no need to elaborate when you can simply say that he or she he did something good and you noticed it. One minute praising include praising the people immediately, telling them what they did right, sharing how you feel about it, and encouraging them to do more of the same.

 Why One Minute Praisings work

Let’s consider a very simple example.
A child does not learn to walk straight away. When you teach a child to walk, you don’t expect him to start walking as soon as he stands up. He first toddles, and then he tries to stand up and falls in the first few attempts. Then, he wobbles a few steps and you cuddle him and hug him. You started making him feel that he has done something worth praising. He then tries to do more of the same and finally learns to walk.

In the same way, one minute praising is a way of encouraging your staff.

One minute praising show that you are genuinely interested in your people and care for them and their success. One minute praising aim at catching people ‘doing something right’ rather than catching them ‘doing something wrong’.
Although the two might seem to be the same thing, there is a lot of difference. If you emphasize on catching people doing something wrong, their main aim is simply to do no wrong, not necessarily go above and beyond and produce great results. This produces mediocrity because everyone will tend to walk the middle line.
For exceptional results, you need your people to put in their best.

Third Secret: One Minute Reprimands


One minute reprimands are given as soon as an employee does something wrong. One minute reprimand has two parts:
The first half includes telling the people that what they did wrong, how you feel about it, and then let it sink in with a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. Then, in the second half you tell the people how much you think they are capable of and how much you value them.

One minute reprimands are highly effective because the feedback is immediate. They are unlike the annual reviews where you are charged for things committed several weeks or months ago. If you were being scolded for a mistake you made 7 to 8 months back, it would hardly make any impact on you. In comparison, if you are being scolded for a mistake you made yesterday, it will surely affect you.
If a mistake is pointed out as soon as it is made, it can easily be corrected. Since one mistake is pointed at one time, the people hear it seriously and your message is easily conveyed to them.
Now that you know all the three secrets of one minute management, implement them in your work style and be a one minute manager for yourself!

   Written By Ishank Sachdeva


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12 Rules for Life

An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan B Peterson – digested read Just a few years ago, I was an unknown professor writing academic books that nob...